Ashkan Aghdai

Portrait by my friend Amir.

About Me

I am an incoming software engineer at Amplitude. I have completed my Ph.D. at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of NYU Tandon School of Engineering in May 2019. During my Ph.D. at NYU, I worked in High Speed Networks Lab under the supervision of professors Jonathan Chao and Yang Xu. My research interests include Software Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualization, and Distributed Systems.

Prior to joining NYU, I received my Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. During my undergraduate studies, I worked at Microprocessor Systems Lab under the supervision of professor Mahdi Shabany.

Publications and Talks

  • Ashkan Aghdai, Mark Huang, David Dai, Yang Xu, and Jonathan Chao. "Transparent Edge Gateway for Mobile Networks." In 2018 IEEE 26th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), pp. 412-417. IEEE, 2018. [Paper]
  • Ashkan Aghdai, Yang Xu and H. Jonathan Chao, "Design of a Hybrid Modular Switch," in Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), 2017 IEEE Conference on, p. 6. IEEE, 2017. [Paper]
  • Ashkan Aghdai, Yang Xu, and H. Jonathan Chao. "Hybrid P4-Compatible Switch." In 4th P4 Workshop, 2017. [Slides]
  • Ashkan Aghdai, Yang Xu, and H. Jonathan Chao. "Virtualizing Non-blocking Switch Fabric Using Commodity Servers." In AT&T Network Innovation Showcase, 2017. [Slides]
  • Ashkan Aghdai, Fan Zhang, Nadun Dasanayake, Kang Xi, and H. Jonathan Chao. "Traffic measurement and analysis in an organic enterprise data center." In High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), 2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on, pp. 49-55. IEEE, 2013. [Paper]


  • Ashkan Aghdai, Yang Xu, Mark Huang, David H. Dai, and H. Jonathan Chao. "Enabling Mobility in LTE-Compatible Mobile-edge Computing with Programmable Switches." arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.05258 (2019).
  • Ashkan Aghdai, , Michael I.-C. Wang, Yang Xu, Charles H.-P. Wen, and H. Jonathan Chao. "In-network Congestion-aware Load Balancing at Transport Layer." arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.09731 (2018).
  • Ashkan Aghdai, Cing-Yu Chu, Yang Xu, David H. Dai, Jun Xu, and H. Jonathan Chao. "Spotlight: Scalable Transport Layer Load Balancing for Data Center Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.08455 (2018).


  • Intern Big Data Engineer at Palo Alto Networks. From: June 2017 to August 2017.
  • Intern Big Data Engineer at Palo Alto Networks. From: June 2016 to August 2016.