



November 12-14, 2020,

Crowne Plaza, White Plains, NY

NYS TESOL is currently inviting proposal submissions to share and discuss ideas related to the conference theme within the following categories:

Adult Education

Applied Linguistics

Bilingual/Dual Language Education

Elementary Education

Higher Education

Secondary Education

Special Education and English Learners

Teacher Education

Teaching English Internationally

Technology Enhanced Language Learning

The NYS TESOL 50th Annual Conference welcomes presentations in the following formats:

Teaching Presentation (25 minutes)

Research Presentation (25 minutes)

Interactive Workshop (55 minutes)

Quick Teaching Tips Rotating Stations (15 minutes)

Electronic Village Rotating Stations (15 minutes)

Poster Presentation (50 minutes)

Commercial Presentation (25 minutes)

Submit proposals by April 6, 2020 online using the following link:

*In case of emergency, we will find a way to celebrate our field and host the conference online. Your presentation will still be shared with the NYS TESOL community virtually.

For more information, please contact: Clara Bauler, Conference Chair

or the Proposal Team: Ming-Hsuan Wu, Mark Romig, Tanya Rosado-Barringer and Maria Fenton

NYS TESOL 2020 Proposal Types

Teaching Presentation (25 minutes)

  • Based on classroom experience or meant to be applied directly to the classroom or work environment, it is practice- or pedagogy-oriented. Participants will learn concrete ways to do something (teach, grade, administer, write, create, etc.).

Research Presentation (25 minutes)

  • Reports on your or your team’s original research, including pedagogy- or policy-focused research, it is research-oriented. This research may be classroom- or action-based and may have implications for pedagogy, but the primary goal is to share research findings.

Interactive Workshop (50 minutes)

  • Includes a wide variety of participant engagement strategies and should include no more than 15 minutes of lecture/introduction to the topic. The workshop should actively engage attendees in learning activities or tasks (e.g., to practice a skill, discuss a related case example, collaborative work). Presenters are encouraged to be creative and utilize strategies that will enhance learning and make their topic interesting (e.g., handouts, digital presentations, films). Workshops should also conclude with a reflective activity that will prompt attendees to think critically about the material or strategy being examined (e.g. gaps in knowledge, dimensions of diversity, different levels of language proficiency).

Quick Teaching Tips Rotating Stations (15 minutes)

  • Enable presenters to lead stimulating conversations and networking opportunities among participants on shared interests based on a teaching strategy or idea. Rotating stations will be held in large rooms with several sessions taking place at the same time at different tables. Each table will be organized by SIG or theme. Each presenter will be assigned to a table that seats up to 6 attendees. Presenters will be allocated 10 minutes to present their teaching strategy or idea, with 5 minutes for questions. There will be a time-keeper assigned to reach roundtable session. Conference attendees will select among stations. Rotations continue every 15 minutes until each group has had a chance to consider most of the other presentations. Presenters are encouraged to prepare handouts or clearly visible laptop/tablet digital slides for key information needed to support the discussion.

Electronic Village Rotating Stations (15 minutes)

  • Offer multiple presentation times, and presenters are stationed around the Technology Showcase. Presentations and demonstrations include the latest in CALL technology multimedia in the classroom, Internet-based resources, hardware for teachers, and mobile technology devices applications. Attendees can ask presenters questions, get hands-on experience, and learn how your colleagues use online materials and the latest technologies. EV presentations and demonstrations enable attendees to explore computer-based and other technology resources for language teaching and learning in face-to-face classrooms and online.

Poster Presentations (50 minutes)

  • Are intended for face-to-face discussions of pedagogy or research. Posters are especially effective for information that can be presented visually (e.g. charts, graphs, tables, diagrams). Prospective presenters are encouraged to consider posters, because of the opportunity they provide for extended discussion with other teachers or researchers. There will be several poster sessions scheduled, each 50 minutes in length. Presenters are required to be present at their posters during the whole session to which they have been allocated. The bulletin boards for mounting the posters are normally four feet by eight feet in size. One poster presenter will use the front and another presenter will use the back.

Commercial Presentation (25 minutes)

  • Is a presentation of published materials by the author or publisher’s representative.