Judging Criteria

Judging Criteria and Business Plan Requirements: New York StartUP! 2024 Business Plan Competition

Round 1: Technical Review

In this round, your plan is reviewed and scored for format rather than content. 

The following business plan template is adapted from Rhonda Abrams' Successful Business Plan  and should be used as the format for your Business Plan:

Business Plan Requirements

Your Business Plan must contain the following:

Please note:

Round 2: Judges' Review

The judges will evaluate each Business Plan based on the following:

The Business Center will publicize the names and associations of all judges who participate in the New York StartUP! 2024 Business Plan Competition. Judges will be asked to remove themselves from judging a plan if they have a conflict of interest, such as a pre-existing family or business relationship with an entrant.

Round 3: Finalist Presentations

In November 2024, finalists will be notified and required to present their plans to the panel of judges and respond to their questions. The exact date, time, and location of these meetings will be provided to the finalists.

Review Process



 NY StartUP Business Plan Template 24 PDF

 NY StartUP Business Plan Template 24 Word



Questions about the StartUp! Competition?  Contact startup@nypl.org