Dakota Rogers


My name is Dakota Rogers, I am 17 years old and I go by she/ her, I am currently a senior in the New York Harbor School. I am in the Marine Biology Research Program and I am also a hard working member apart of the HarborSeals along with other clubs. I am currently working on my senior research project focusing on conducting DNA extractions to marine invetebrates in the East River. When I am older I hope to become a veterinarian or to just have a job that centers around animals.

More About Me

  • I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY

  • My Myers-Briggs results is ENTJ and my holland code is ISA

  • Some strentghs that I have is that I am very easy to talk to and I am also a reliable person. Some weaknesses I have may be procrastination and overthinking

  • On my free time I enjoy listening to music, hanging out with friends, photography, researching astrology, listening to political podcasts, enjoying nature, and traveling

Self Assessments

Attached are my self assessments and how I viewed myself throughout the years, these list my strengths and also some weaknesses throughout my time in the Marine Biology Research Program