
Hosted Seminar

Hosted Conferences/Workshops

Hosted Challenges


Our Team received the "創新研發應用獎" (Technology Innovation Award) in the Broadcast Golden Bell Awards 2017 ceremony for Automatic Subtitling of Broadcast Radio Programs and Interactive Learning Systems.

 International Benchmarks

Our team has been ranked the [3rd] out of 19 in the overall performance (average of the performance of all conditions in Cavg) ranking list, and the [4th], [2nd] and [2nd] out of 19 in the 1-, 3-second and full length utterance ranking list. Note: The submissions with a star after the team name is an extended submission. This means they should not be treated equally as the regular submissions (without a star).

Our team NCTU-NTUT has be ranked the [4th] out of 19 with Mean-Ranked 6.5 out of 23 runs submissions.

Our deep LSTM-based ASR achieved overall performance Rank 2, English performance Rank 1 in the extended submission of OC16 Chinese-English MixASR Challenge

 Other International Benchmarks

NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation

Language Recognition Evaluation

Blizzard Challenge (Text-to-Speech)

SIGHAN Bakeoff (Natural Language Processing)

Other Shared Tasks