Speech AI Laboratory

Information about "Speech AI Research Center (SARC)" will be updated at https://sites.google.com/nycu.edu.tw/sarc !

This page will only update the relevant information of "Speech Lab"!

"人工智慧語音研發中心" 的資訊將更新在 https://sites.google.com/nycu.edu.tw/sarc



It's conceivable now that in the near future, humans will be able to use spoken language as a direct means of communicating with machines and directing them to work together. This means that computers will need to be able to accurately interpret human language and have a deep understanding of how the world works, as well as the ability to use a range of tools - including programming - to carry out human commands.

We want to develop a robot that can independently acquire knowledge of the human language and a basic understanding of the world solely by watching television.


Our Working Horses

Hakka Speech Corpus

WiTMed (smart medicine)

Automatic Media Subtitle Generation

Chinese Text to TaiwanesE/Hakka Speech Synthesis