
📺Zoom Link


April 11, 2024: AI As Your Assistant

April 18th, 2024: AI Tool: ChatGPT

April 25th, 2024: AI Tool: MagicSchoolAI

May 2nd, 2024: AI Tool: Diffit

AI Resources

Resources for using large language model AI like ChatGPT, MagicSchool AI and more.

ODE Guidance and Resources

AI - Generative AI Resources
ICN - AI as your Assistant - resource guide
GenAI as your PA - ICN - 2024
AI as your TA - WSD Nov 2023
Best practices in digital meetings and digital spaces - Jodi LePla - google slides

Best Practices in Digital Meetings and Spaces

Review and refresh best ways to plan for and run accessible and engaging Zoom or Google Meet meetings and trainings. Also includes how you can collaborate in Google Workspaces.

What is an Instructional Tech Specialist? How can Jodi support the work I am doing?

Temporary Remote Learning 2022

As schools and districts move from in person, synchronous learning to remote learning this winter, support through content and training from the ESD will help ease the burden. Below is a list of resources and you'll find training and networking opportunities for teachers. Please let us know if you have any questions.

EdTech Learning Supports :: Tools, Resources, and Purpose

Quick Start Guides :: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for inside and outside virtual learning spaces

Self-Guided Training Opportunities :: Recordings of past trainings, online courses, and short videos

Temporary Remote Learning Resources :: Slide decks and links to recorded sessions

Instructional Tech PLC Resources :: Slide decks and recordings available following live events (Jan. 31st - March 14th)

NWRESD/CTA Instructional Tech PLC

Google Series: First Friday Fast 15 and Lunch & Learn

Contact Jodi

💬 Chat & Email: jlepla@nwresd.k12.or.us

☎️ Phone: 503-614-1250 

🙋🏻‍♀️ Have a request or idea? Let me know your needs!

Twitter: @jodilepla