The referral process for the district's gifted enrichment program is similar to that of the referral process for identification of a disability.  If you would like to have your child evaluated for giftedness, the request must be provided in writing to the child's school principal or the Director of Student Services.  Following receipt of the written request, the Office of Student Services will issue a Permission to Evaluate form that must be signed and returned to the office before an evaluation can begin; the educational team has 60 calendar days from receipt of the signed permission to complete the evaluation.  Following the evaluation you will be provided with a Gifted Written Report containing the results of the evaluation, as well as any recommendations from the educational team. You will also be invited to a meeting with the educational team to review the report.  

After the formal evaluation has taken place and if your child has been found to be eligible for gifted enrichment services, a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) will be developed with your participation. The GIEP will be based on your child’s identified strengths. The plan will also propose appropriate supports and services to address your child's strengths. If you accept the proposed GIEP, your child will receive those services within a public school setting. 

If you have any questions regarding the evaluation process or the district's gifted enrichment program, please contact your child’s building principal or school psychologist.