
Robotics kits are here!
The SMC is excited to announce three new titles to get students started with robotics.
Designed to be accessible to a range of ages and learning styles, these kits are sure to engage students
and provide a fun, hands-on introduction to coding, computational thinking, programming, and more.
Check one (or three) out today! 

To order a Robotics kit, select the order form below, then download it and fill it out accordingly. Send back to
Scroll down to learn more about each title.

Robot Turtles Game

Robot Turtles is an introductory game for our littlest programmers! Best for Pre-K through 1st grade, Robot Turtles was designed by a father and programmer to be accessible and exciting. Students use cards to command their robot turtle (moved by the teacher) across a board and around obstacles. Without a computer, this game gives students a hands-on way to learn the basics of computational thinking and how it can be applied. 


Blue-Bots are recommended for Pre-K through 2nd grade. Students write their own codes for the Blue-Bots and can then experiment with debugging and rewriting. The bots can be programmed to detect one another, record audio, and play back custom sounds. Providing a fun, hands-on introduction to computational concepts and applications, Blue-Bots are a perfect way for students to begin exploring robotics. 

Edison Robots

Recommended for grades 3 through 8, the Edison Robot kits provide a fun and engaging introduction to small-scale robotics. Level 1 includes robots for students to operate and program, and instructions for how to do so. Level 2 adds in expansion packs so that students can customize their robots in a variety of ways. Students can teach Edison to follow lines, respond to sound, detect obstacles, and even wrestle! 

For upcoming professional development opportunities, check out PDEnroller!