Callback list

Congratulations to everyone who auditioned!

Everyone who has auditioned (and selected "If I am not cast as the part I auditioned for, I am willing to portray any other part the directors see fit" on the cast application) will be in the cast.

Callback list:

Martin Arriaga - Mr Lorry; sing (TBD), read (Lorry)

William Barsotti-Flanders - Mr Lorry; sing (TBD), read (Lorry)

Christopher Castillo Vargas - Sydney Carton; sing (I Can't Recall), read (Carton)

Graham Durfee - Sydney Carton; sing (I Can't Recall), read (Carton)

Kennedy Ervin - Lucie Manette; sing (Without a Word), read (Lucie)

Sam Fisher - Charles Darnay; sing (The Promise), read (Darnay)

Erin Fleming - Lucie Manette; sing (Without a Word), read (Lucie)

Aaron Gomez - sing (I Can't Recall)

Lane Hartless - Charles Darnay sing (The Promise), read (Darnay)

Vivian Kammerer - Lucie Manette sing (Without a Word), read (Lucie)

Martina Sanchez - Lucie Manette sing (Without a Word), read (Lucie)