Immediate Enrollment
Schools are required to enroll students experiencing homelessness immediately, even if the student is unable to provide documents that are typically required for enrollment (30 days grace period for the following documents: Birth Certificates, Proof of Residency, School Records, Parent/Guardian ID; 90 days Vaccination Records).
Although the Act does not define immediate, the standard dictionary definition is “without delay.” Therefore, the student must begin attending classes and participating fully in school activities without delay.
Eligibility Criteria to Determine Enrollment Assistance
Who is Eligible?
McKinney-Vento defines children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence as homeless when living doubled up, in a hotel/motel, in shelter transitional housing, or unsheltered
Doubled Up
Lives with others due to an economic hardhsip
Living in a motel, hotel, or RV park
Shelter Transitional Housing
Living in an emergency or transitional shelter
Living in a car, park, campsite or on the street
Title I HOPE Students Identified Through Online Registration
Online Registration
Beginning of a new school year or new CCSD students:
Parent/Guardian or Unaccompanied Youth will provide housing information while completing OLR.
The Title I HOPE office will receive the information and determine if the student meets the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness.
The Title HOPE office will code the eligible student on the CIT Student Info tab.
Clerks and Registrars will NOT be inputting or changing HOPE coding.
Students with parent(s)/guardian or Unaccompanied Youth identified as homeless in Online Registration (see housing tab) should be enrolled immediately. Parents must select one of the following to qualify: Shelter Transitional Housing, Unsheltered, Doubled Up, Hotel/Motel
Immediate enrollment occurs even if documents that are typically required for enrollment cannot be provided.
The current address should be within your school’s zoning boundaries unless the school is the student’s school of origin (school student attended when permanently housed or the school in which the student was last enrolled).
Immediate Enrollment for Title I HOPE Students
Immediate Enrollment
Students with parent(s)/guardian or Unaccompanied Youth identified as homeless in Online Registration (see housing tab) should be enrolled immediately.
Immediate enrollment occurs even if documents that are typically required for enrollment cannot be provided.
The current address should be within your school's zoning boundaries unless the school is the student's school of origin (school student attended when permanently housed or the school in which the student was last enrolled).
Awaiting School of Origin Determination
Students attending their school of origin must re-apply each school year.
Students must be immediately enrolled while awaiting a determination from the Title I HOPE office.
Students will be able to withdraw from a zone school and re-enroll at the school of origin if they were not informed of their School of Origin rights.
It is important that homeless families are informed of their rights as students withdraw to avoid the out of school transition time.
Immediate Enrollment for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth
Children and youth lost housing, lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence as homeless; resides in the following doubled up, hotel/motel, shelter transitional housing, unsheltered
Lack of a legal guardian or guardianship documents cannot delay or prevent the enrollment of an unaccompanied youth.
The McKinney-Vento Act requires school districts to eliminate barriers to enrollment and to enroll unaccompanied youth in school immediately.
When enrolling a youth that presents without an adult, contact Title I HOPE (702-855-6682) and CCSD Legal (702-799-5373) for assistance.
Coding Title I HOPE Students
This form must be completed AFTER completing online registration for the current school year or if there has been a change in their current living situation and is no longer residing at listed address:
Students and/or families that lost their housing after completing Online Registration should complete Student Housing Questionnaire
Completed forms are faxed to Title I HOPE office at 702-855-6667 to determine McKinney-Vento eligibility.
Students deemed eligible will be coded in Infinite Campus by the Title I HOPE office.
Students are coded under Title I HOPE for the entire school year.