"How-to" Document Listing
Getting Started
Basics, how to log-in, what is the website address.
How to use Infinite Campus to make a Canvas course for MS/HS
This is also how you get students into your Canvas courses.
How use Infinite Campus to make a Canvas course for ES
This is also how you get students into your Canvas courses.
Canvas Features
Long list of great how-to videos about Canvas by Canvas.
Overview of what crosslisting is and how it compares to blueprint courses.
How to Crosslist your Courses AND How to Undo Crosslisting
Quick guide on this easy process (no Canvas Controller needed!)
Getting started with Google LTI in Canvas
There’s a new Google integration with Canvas. This outlines how to get it set up for you and your students.
Creating more workrooms in Canvas
You can make additional empty Canvas courses for yourself called “workrooms” to try out different ideas.
General Info
In the world of Canvas there is a lot of terminology that you might not be familiar with, come pick up the lingo!
There are many documents and Canvas courses that have shortened “bit.ly” links. It makes it easier to share the link to others that might be interested.
The Online & Blended Learning Department has created a lot of resources that, in turn, have had shortened “bit.ly” links to them. Beyond just Canvas, this is the motherlode of resource links to share from us. It’s bit.ly/allbitly
Online & Blended Learning YouTube Channel
We’ve created some different videos to support CCSD digital learning. Please subscribe.
Learning More
How to get started using the district-developed digital content
We made content for MS & HS, this is how you can get it.
How to import content from Canvas Commons
There are templates, courses, and modules available to import into your Canvas course.
Gradebook Passback from Canvas LMS to Infinite Campus SIS
Any assignment in Canvas can automatically go into your Infinite Campus gradebook.
How to Backup Your Canvas Gradebook
There are times (like when you’re about to crosslist your courses) that you might want to get a backup file of your gradebook.
How to see Canvas use at my school (for Canvas admin)
See how Canvas is being used at your school - both students and teachers.
Note: this is available for Canvas Controllers and site personnel that have been given “Staff” admin rights in their school’s Canvas.
What Canvas PDEs are available to take?
A listing of all the Canvas-related PDEs that CCSD provides.
How to setup and use badgr.io in your Canvas course
Digital badging can be setup for any Canvas course