School Nurse

Health Information for Parents and Students

Mrs. Ana Castle - School Nurse

Contact Information


Tom Williams ES: (702) 799-7179 x4021Tuesdays & Fridays
ATech HS: (702) 799-7870 x 4020Mondays & Thursdays
Dr. Beth Howe CenterHealth Services(702) 799-7443

About Mrs. Ana


My name is Ana Castle, RN, and I am your School Nurse at Tom Williams Elementary School and ATech High School. I started my nursing career as a Licensed Vocational Nurse working in Pediatric Home Care for eleven years while I continued my learning at California State University of Long Beach in Molecular Biology, earning my Bachelors of Science in that field. I then went back and bridged into my Registered Nursing Associates Degree at College of Southern Nevada in 2008. Soon after I completed my Bachelors in Nursing at Grand Canyon University. As a Registered Nurse (RN) I worked in the Medical/Surgical floor, and Maternal/Child floor before joining the Clark County School District as a School Nurse.

This is my third year working as a School Nurse and I am excited to be back with the best students, families, and staff! I am here to answer your questions, concerns, and help your children to stay healthy and be successful in school.

It is my purpose to provide you with the necessary information regarding back to school immunization, medication use at school, screenings, and any health issues that may impact your ability to attend school, stay healthy, and be in compliance with the State and County requirements.

I look forward to a fun, safe, and healthy school year!!

Parent Guidance - Checking Your Student Before Leaving Home_08.19.2020.pdf
Guia Para Los Padres or Tutores

Back to School 2020-2021

First, we understand the challenges and struggles presented by the COVID-19 Pandemic. As we return to school this year with Distance Learning, many things are unknown, and are constantly changing. When we return to campus, please follow the guidelines. We are in this together and it is my pleasure to assist you and your child to make the best of the current situation.

Please keep your child(ren) home if they are feeling ill.

COVID-19 and Reducing the Spread: Information for Parents/ Guardians of Clark County School DIstrict Students (English)

COVID-19 and Reducing the Spread: Information for Parents/Guardians of Clark County School District Students (Spanish)

COVID-19 Resources

Protect Yourself and Others

Yearly Student Health Information Update

Health Services has created an electronic version of the Student Health Information form. Due to COVID-19, the health office will not be sending out paper copies.

Please click below to complete your students Health Information Form.

ATech High School Health Card:

Tom Williams Elementary School Health Card:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (August 6, 2020). Retrieved from
Health Office Info to Parents - Spanish.pdf
Health Office Info to Parents - English.pdf


All children enrolled in school are required to be immunized per the immunization schedule

Immunization Clinics and Locations

CCSD Immunization Requirement


If your child needs to take medications during the school hours please contact the health office for assistance.

Speak with your health care provider to see if medications can be scheduled for home hours. If not possible, medications are to remain in the original container with the pharmacy label prescription for your child.

Request for Medication Assistance Form

Self-carry Inhaler/Epinephrine Order Form


Many times during the school day, your child will need the school nurse to perform or assist with a medical procedure. Procedures like diabetes care, nebulizer treatments, catheterization, trach care, and/or others are perform in school under the direction of your child's medical provider.

If your child requires a medical procedure in school, please contact the school nurse for direction and assistance.


During the school year, your child may be screening for vision and hearing, or he/she may present with an illness for which a medical referral will be generated.

If you need assistance with medical, vision, and hearing, or dental referrals please contact the school nurse for available resources.