
Platypus OS news.

10-12-21: Platypus OS Version 0.09 Released 3 ****ING MONTHS AGO

I've been busy with school so I haven't had a chance to update the site. It was released on August 25th. Here's the release info:

Well, we've got some new and important stuff! We've got tasking (with fork()), an RTC driver, updated terminal, stdbool.h, updated printm(), and many other things that I can't even list.

7-4-21: Platypus OS Version 0.08 released LAST MONTH

Happy 4th of July! I can't wait until July 5th! I was lazy and got bored so that's why I didn't do the release announcement :(. It was released on June 10th. Here's the release info:

Well, after a few weeks and many updates and features, here it is! The Platypus OS v0.08 Alpha release! The most important and noticeable features: the terminal! Yes, you finally have a way to use the operating system. Among other features are a PC Speaker driver, a new function (printm()), a somewhat fixed VFS (so you can't close the whole filesystem *oof*), and Clang formatting.

5-29-21: Platypus OS Version 0.07 Released!

Ok I lied, but it was today. In this new release, we have fixed VGA & keyboard, PIT drivers, and you can look at all the previous posts and commits since 0.06 for everything because there's a lot of stuff.

5-29-21: Added PIT and VFS, Fixed VGA

This is for today and yesterday. Today, this morning, I saw a new pull request adding VFS, so I'm like, epic! A filesystem, that saves me the trouble! I merged it, and said I was going to release 0.07 today, and then like 10 minutes later, another pull request, adding PIT (programmable interval timer), so I'm probably going to release it in the next 15 minutes. Note, this was written at 3:50 PM, PST, so I'll see if I'm lying or not.

5-27-21-Lots of New Stuff

Well, the most recent pull request sure had a LOT going on! OK, not a lot, but new features were added! First, vtconsole was ported, so now we have some color in the OS! Second, the README was updated with a screenshot, so now you know what it looks like! Third, the kernel panic was updated, so now the CPU is halted when something goes wrong, among other things, and fourth, the workflow was updated. Yeah, stuff happened. With this many updates, 0.07 may be released today, but I'm not sure.

5-24-21: Platypus OS 0.06 released!

HOORAY! After 12 days since 0.05, and 10 days since 0.06-rc1, 0.06 is out! This is a big release because the OS went through a complete rewrite, so a bunch of stuff changed and got moved around and got deleted and got added and got fixed, so really, you have to check it out now, because stuff has changed!

5-24-21: Fixed VGA and Keyboard!

This morning, @kushagra765 fixed the keyboard and VGA drivers in a pull request, so I think I am going to release 0.06 sometime today after my exams.

5-23-21: Rewrite Finished+Interrupts

Yesterday morning, I saw @kushagra765 marked the OS rewrite finished. I merged the pull request yesterday, and this morning I saw the interrupts were implemented in a new pull request, which I merged. There was also a keyboard driver, although it wasn't working. Anyway, 0.06 is probably going to be released today.

5-18-21: Rewrite

It was suggested by @kushagra765 in Github discussions to do an OS rewrite due to missing IDT, ISR, and IRQ, and a broken GDT. I know, flood of TLAs (HAHAHA), but due to these missing features, devices such as keyboard will not work, plus, the Makefile doesn't work so you can't test it. Anyway, this is going to go through a total rewrite, so don't expect much to happen.

5-16-21: NEw contributor!

I'd like to thank @kushagra765 for pull request #19, "Fixes"!

5-15-21: Fixed Workflow (Again)

Well, again, I broke the workflow a few days ago. Today I found there was a pull request from @PQCraft and I saw they fixed it, I was very happy. Thank you!

5-15-21: Serial Drivers

I'm starting work on serial drivers for Platypus OS. Please help!

5-14-21: Return To PS/2 Keyboard Drivers

Awhile ago, I started working on some PS/2 keyboard drivers, but quit and used Linux ones instead. Now, I'm returning to the original keyboard drivers and am going to try to fix them so I can stop using Linux ones. I'm still going to keep them for now, until I have them fixed. The files I'm working on are ps2kb.c and ps2kb.h. Please send help.

5-14-21: Platypus OS 0.06-rc1 Released!

Today, I released Platypus OS 0.06-rc1, with RTC and some interrupts.


I want to add time functions (mainly RTC), but I'm not completley sure how, so I'm going to be working on it. Please check out my code and help me debug it.

5-12-21: Platypus OS 0.05 Released!

I'm late creating this announcement, but today I released Platypus OS 0.05, with the following new features:

  1. Mouse support

  2. (Code scanning thing only) Fixed workflows (thanks to @PQCraft)

Now you can start submitting your pull requests, although you always can.

5-11-21: Platypus OS 0.05-rc2 Released

After my previous announcement about me working on mouse support, I have created a new release, with some mouse support!

5-11-21: Mouse Support in Progress

Today I started working on a PS/2 mouse driver. Help is needed, I stink at this stuff. I also goofed around and created statuses for of a button is pressed:

int left_butt_pressed = 0; // I did that on purpose xD

int middle_butt_pressed = 0;

int right_butt_pressed = 0;

I was trying to be funny.

5-10-21: Platypus OS 0.05-rc1 Released

Today, I'm very happy to announce that Platypus OS 0.05-rc1 has been released! Among the new features are:

  1. a.out file support (I think)

  2. I/O port support (I think)

  3. Kernel panics!