Distance Learning

Choice making....

Not only does having a choice provide ownership and buy in of ideas, but it is a initial introduction to communication. Developing one's self and preferences is a wonderful way to practice language skills. By offering choices, students learn to identify vocabulary, label objects, use descriptors, and form syntactic sentences. A word to the wise, when offering choices, make sure they are choices that you are comfortable with. For example, provide a choice of an apple or orange rather than an apple and candy bar if you want your child to choose a healthy snack. Offer Legos or a toy trucks rather than a Legos and an iPad if you want them engaged in an imaginative activity. Choice making can be implemented for a variety of skills and abilities. Some ideas to try at home....

*Have your student identify the object named from a field of 3 choices

* Have your student request using a picture to exchange

*Have your student identify the object named by traits/characteristics (e.g. red, grows on a tree, etc.)

*Have your student identify the object given the function

*Have your student label the objects

*Have your student provide traits/characteristics

*Have your student request giving the function

*Have your student request with a complete sentence, modeling if/when needed

Check out these links for more ideas!



