Physical Education

Physical Education - Functional Fitness - Weight Training

Course Expectations

Coronado High School | 2024-2025

Physical Education (I & II) Course Scope:

This one-year course focuses on students becoming independent decision makers capable of planning for lifetime fitness and physical activity, while achieving current personal fitness and activity goals.  Students are provided with experiences in psychomotor skills, movement, goal-setting, and health related fitness knowledge. Students develop components of physical fitness at moderate to vigorous levels for a minimum of 50% of the instructional time.  Students participate in movement experiences, team sports, individual and dual sports, and lifetime recreational activities. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. This course fulfills one of the two physical education credits required for high school graduation. 

Course fee is $40.00. (Includes uniform and lock)

Weight Training Course Scope:

This one-year course is an activity-oriented course designed to provide students with a comprehensive view of physical conditioning through different styles of training and builds upon the knowledge gained in Physical Education I and II. Students develop psychomotor skills and engage in movement and lifetime fitness activities at moderate to vigorous levels for a minimum of 50% of the instructional time. Fitness-related vocabulary, desirable health habits, physical conditioning, skill development and safety are emphasized. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to our society. The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. This course fulfills one of the elective credits required for high school graduation. 

Course fee is $40.00. (Includes uniform and lock)

Functional Fitness (Crossfit) Course Scope:

This one-year course provides students the opportunity to participate in CrossFit to develop a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Students engage in movement and fitness activities at moderate to vigorous levels for a minimum of 50% of the instructional time. Students participate in constantly varied functional fitness movements at high intensity levels. Students develop universal motor recruitment patterns by building functional movements, physical skills, and by adapting functional movements to their personal skill levels. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. THe appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. This course fulfills up to two physical education credits required for high school graduation and may be repeated.

Course fee is $40.00. (Includes uniform and lock)


1. To understand and apply knowledge about the benefits of physical activity as it relates to personal health and wellness.

2. To develop and maintain efficient and effective motor skills in a wide range of activities.

3. To evaluate different methods in achieving and maintaining physical fitness through personal goal setting.

4. To understand the similarities and differences in playing areas, equipment, rules, and safety requirements for a variety of sports and fitness activities.

5. To understand how proper nutrition and physical conditioning affect body composition.

6. To develop a personal fitness plan and continually monitor progress.

7. To acquire and use self-management skills to participate in lifelong physical activity.

8. To examine biomechanical movement concepts as they relate to fitness and sports related activities.

9. To develop patterns of behavior which allow for more effective social relationships, self-control, sense of fair play, respect for others, responsibility, cooperation, and courtesy.

10. To understand both the skill and health related components of physical fitness.

11. To develop an appreciation of different cultures through participation in multicultural dances and activities.



1. A student must wear the official Coronado High School Physical Education uniform. The uniform must be purchased through the school (shirt cost is $15 and shorts cost is $15) during the first week of school

2. Students must purchase a locker and will be required to pay a lock fee ($10) for the use of a school issued lock. Sharing lockers with other students is prohibited. Students are also prohibited from purchasing their own locks and putting them on a locker.

3. If a student forgets their uniform they may rent them from the PE office free of charge unless they are not returned, then a $30 fee will be issued.

4. Socks and closed toe tennis shoes are required and are considered part of the gym uniform.

Weight Training & Functional Fitness

1. A student must wear an official Cougar Power shirt during Weight Training and/or Functional Fitness classes. Two shirts are required to be purchased ($15 each shirt, $30 total for shirts).

2. Students must purchase a locker and will be required to pay a lock fee ($10) for the use of a school issued lock. Sharing lockers with other students is prohibited. Students are also prohibited from purchasing their own locks and putting them on a locker.

3. If a student forgets their uniform they may rent them from the PE office free of charge unless they are not returned, then a $30 fee will be issued.

4. Socks and closed toe tennis shoes are required and are considered part of the Weight Training/Functional Fitness uniform.


1. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed in Physical Education/Weight Training/Functional Fitness (unless the teacher communicates otherwise) and WILL be confiscated and sent to The Den. Coronado will not be responsible for lost or stolen items, so please make sure items are properly stored and locked in lockers.

2. Students are expected to be dressed out in the appropriate attire (See Required Materials) each day of class. Non-dress will result in loss of points. In colder weather, students are expected to wear their PE/Weight Training/Functional Fitness uniform underneath any other clothing (sweatpants, sweatshirts).

2. Do NOT wear your gym clothes over your street clothes. This will be considered a non-dress.

3. Your gym clothes should be taken home at the end of the week to be washed.

4. Absences due to participation in school activities or religious holidays will not be assessed any point (or credit) deductions, but can be made up online or on reassessment days.

5. No food or drink (other than water) allowed in the P.E. areas at any time.

Locker Room Conduct:

• The locker room doors will be locked when the late bell rings and no one will be permitted to enter afterwards. 

• To prevent theft, horseplay, and vandalism, the locker rooms will be supervised. Students not following proper locker room conduct will follow the school wide discipline policy.

• At the end of class, you must store your P.E. clothes in your assigned locker and the locker must be LOCKED . Do not share lockers with your friends, since problems can arise.

• If you lose your lock see your teacher. You will have to pay for a replacement (this replacement lock MUST be purchased for $10 from the CHS PE teacher).

• Do not put personal locks on your locker - they will be removed.

7. Lock combinations, missing locks and/or new locks must be obtained before the tardy bell rings.

8. Lost clothing will be held in the P.E. office for one school week, and then turned into the school’s Lost and Found.

Grading Policy in the PE Department

Clark County School District Required Grading Scale: 

A: 90–100% Excellent 

B: 80–89.99% Above Average 

C: 70–79.99% Average 

D: 60–69.99% Below Average 

F: 59.99% and below Emergent 

*All quarter/semester grades will receive a minimum of 50% 

Individual Assignments/Assessments 

Individual Assignments/Assessments scores in the gradebook will reflect the students actual progress towards the mastery of the standards. 

For example, an assignment score less than 50% may be in the Grade Book; however, at the quarter if the grade to be posted is less than 50%, it must be overwritten to a 50% on the grading scale prior to posting final quarter/semester grades. 

Semester Exams 

Semester Exams are only required for high school credit-bearing courses.

Semester Exam scores below a 50% will be adjusted to them minimum score on the District grading scale (e.g., if a student earns a 32% on the semester exam, the score is adjusted to a 50%)

School Wide Grading Categories: 

Summative Assessments will account for 80% of overall quarter grade 

Tests, quizzes, major assignments and/or projects. 

Formative Assessments will account for 20% of overall quarter grade 

Meaningful practice of skills required to master. 

Covers objectives of each unit. 

Tied to continued learning beyond the classroom. 

Semester grades will be calculated as follows: 

Quarter 1/3 – 40% 

Quarter 2/4 – 40% 

Semester Exam - 20% 

Missing Work: 

Missing work procedures will be consistent school-wide. 

Missing work will be accepted until the end of each unit (plus one week). 

Unit Plan timelines will be determined by common course planning. 

Teachers will have the discretion to determine timelines where missing work will be accepted beyond this unit plan timeline. 

Points will not be deducted for missing work turned in past the original due date (plus one week). 

The mark “M” is a score of 0 percent in the Grade Book, communicating the lowest possible grade. 

The “L” late flag is added to the assignment to monitor student behavior separate from the academic grade once the missing assignment is turned in and the earned score is entered.


Academic behaviors will be evaluated using the citizenship grading rubric. 

Plagiarism/cheating will be considered “missing.” 

Students will receive an “M” with a score of 0% until the original work has been submitted. Student’s academic score may increase when original work is submitted for grading. 

The student will receive a “U” on the citizenship grading rubric for the quarter. 



Reassessments of summative assessments will be accepted until the end of each unit (plus one week). Unit Plan timelines will be determined by common course planning. 

Teachers will have the discretion to determine timelines where reassessment will be completed beyond this unit plan timeline. Summative reassessment procedures will be consistent school-wide. 

Summative reassessments will not be given during the last week of the quarter. Teachers will have the latitude to allow reassessments during this time period, if they choose. 

Students can request and participate in ONE reassessment opportunity per each summative assessment regardless of original grade. 

After receiving assessment results, students have up to five school days to communicate with their classroom teacher. 

Students must not be excluded from reassessment due to limited transportation nor commitments outside of school. Student’s must be given time during the school day if they cannot attend before or after school. 

Students must complete a reassessment reflection to develop a plan for new learning. 

An alternate or abbreviated assessment at the same rigor can be administered to elicit evidence of new learning. A student’s grade should accurately reflect new learning. The higher proficiency level of the student must be reflected in the gradebook. 

Reassessment opportunities will not be offered for final exams/semester exams nor AP end of course exams. 

School-Wide Progressive Discipline Policy: 

1st Violation = Conference with Student, Warning (before/after class) 

2nd Violation = Conference with Student, Warning, Call home (before/after class) 

3rd Violation = Conference with Student, Warning, Call home, Teacher Detention 

4th Violation = Parent Teacher Conference (online or in person) 

Future Violations – Discipline Referral to The Den (Discipline Office) 

School-Wide Tardy Policy (resets every quarter): 

1st – 2nd Tardy = Warning/Parentlink Notification 

3rd - 4th Tardy = After School Detention/Parentlink Notification 

5th Tardy = After School Detention/Virtual RPC (Request for Parent Conference) 

6th Tardy = Class Disruption/ Parentlink Notification/1-day IHS 

7th Tardy = Class Disruption/ Parentlink Notification/3-day IHS 

8th Tardy = Class Disruption/ Parentlink Notification/5-day IHS 

9th Tardy = Insubordination/ Parentlink Notification/10 Day Hope 2 

The teachers, administrators, and faculty of Coronado High School care deeply about each and every one of our students. We understand that at times the culmination of academics, athletics, and after school activities can be challenging or even overwhelming. It is our hope to ensure that both academic/social progress AND student mental health and well-being are top considerations in all we do at Coronado. Accordingly, if you have any concerns regarding your student’s progress or emotional well-being, please call our school at 702-799-6800 so we can work with your family to find resolution and create the optimal learning environment for both achievement and happiness. This is a goal we strive for every day.