
In order for your child to be successful, it's important that we're on the same page and support one another. Below is a list of expectations for learning. Please be sure to read these with your child.


One of the biggest social skills we work on in first grade is becoming responsible. One way your child will learn responsibility this year is by attending our live teaching sessions and completing their assignments. But, they will need your support.

Every day your child participates in distance learning, they will come to this site and enter the Student Portal. From there, they will complete the Daily Check-In (attendance) and then head to Google Classroom.


Live teaching sessions will take place daily beginning at 9 a.m.

Attendance is very important and will be taken twice each day. Your child will be expected to log in for school and fully participate in their schedule.

Assignments will be posted daily. Assignments will be graded and used to determine semester grades.

Any assignment your child is given will be age-appropriate and related to first grade standards/content. While it is likely that your child will be able to complete these assignments independently, they will need supervision. Please help your child get set up each day, and be sure to check in with them as they work if you are unable to sit side by side.


We will be holding live teaching sessions via Google Meet. Your child should remain an active participant in our classroom during each Meet. We will be learning in real time and doing work together. Remind your child to:

  • Be fully present

  • Treat online class like a classroom class

  • Work from a designated workspace


Please set up a clean workspace for your child to participate in their distance learning. This should be at a desk or a table. If possible, please have headphones for your child to cut down on distractions.


This year is different than any year your child, or teacher, has ever experienced. In order for things to work, we all need to be patient, kind, and understanding.

While your child will be expected to do work when they are learning from home, it is likely that they will run into issues. Technical difficulties will occur. Passwords will get misplaced. Life events will occur.

Remember, I'm always a Dojo message (or email) away and here to help you and your child. When we communicate, we can solve problems and stress less about any difficulties and challenges we encounter along the way.