Principal's Message


Welcome to Cowan Sunset High School. Here we provide an alternative to the traditional high school experience. That should be viewed in a positive light. For many, gigantic factory schools of thousands with large classes and crowded hallways do not provide the optimum learning or social experience. Here, we offer smaller classes with a more intimate and personalized educational setting. Don’t mistake small for easy however. I strongly believe that it is our responsibility to provide a comprehensive academic program that will prepare each student for further educational or career opportunities. We also provide course offerings for those students currently enrolled full-time in another school. These courses allow students to make up missed credits from previously failed courses.

Our sincere desire is to ensure that each student’s educational experience is both fulfilling and productive. Please contact our staff to assist you with any questions or concerns. Have a terrific year.

Kamille Bryner

Principal, Cowan Sunset High School

School Nov. Newspaper 11-21-2023.pdf

Welcome Cowan Sunset Hawks


The mission of Cowan Sunset High School,

Cowan Campus, is to help students accomplish

their goal of earning a high school diploma.

         The Cowan Sunset Motto: 

     You are never beaten until you give up!