Tanya Attebery

Special Education/IEP Counselor

9-12 Alpha A-Z

702-799-6852 ext. 4304


Social & Emotional

Education opens many paths, but on your journey remember that you also need to take care of yourself as a person. I enjoy listening to music while taking a walk with a little jogging in between. I listen to detective novels. My son and I love to eat out at Ramen and Dim Sum restaurants. My husband and I want to believe we are grill masters. I journal and write a blog every now and then. It is important to find ways to enjoy your life as you grow as a student and into post-high school life. As your counselor, I am here to support you in any way I can so take time for yourself each day to get yourself energized. Contact me to share your best days and/or low days. I am here for you.

Academics: College & Career Planning

I have been in education for 25 years. I spent half that time being an English teacher and the rest as a counselor. I started off at CSN and ended with my Master's degree at UNLV. I enjoy discussing your academic journey and aspirations post high school. I am here to guide you with appropriate classes and how to do those deep dive researches for that perfect college, apprenticeship, trade, military, work-force, and all the in-betweens. There are many paths to reach your goals, so let me help you refine the steps to get you moving into your awesome future. Don't hesitate to contact me for a one-on-one planning session today.