Dual Enrollment
High school students – individually or through institutional agreements with school districts – may enroll in classes and receive credit at post-secondary institutions. The Clark County School District has many options and partnerships with Nevada institutions for students to earn college credits during high school.
All dual credit coursework must be approved prior to enrolling in university coursework. Please contact your school counselor to obtain the required application for dual credit.
Is Dual Enrollment Right for Me?
What Exactly Is Dual Enrollment?
College Tip!
Many colleges have policies on accepting dual enrollment credits; be sure to research your college of choice to see what their policies are.
The College of Southern Nevada (CSN) Jumpstart Concurrent Enrollment Program is a partnership with the Clark County School District and the College of Southern Nevada, which offers qualified Junior and Senior high school students the opportunity to earn college credits, for a reduced fee, prior to high school graduation. Classes are taught at select high schools by CCSD teachers during high school hours.
Jumpstart Participating High Schools
Information for Students and Families
College of Southern Nevada High School is a dual credit program designed to provide a smooth transition from high school to college.
The school provides a combination of high school and college credits through an agreement between the Clark County School District and the College of Southern Nevada. Courses are held at CSN campuses. CCSD pays up to twelve approved CSN credits of tuition per semester. The program is designed for incoming 11th and 12th graders that are on track for graduation. CSNHS offers smaller classes, flexible scheduling, and an opportunity to advance your academic career.
NSC Teacher Pipeline Project Concurrent Enrollment Program
Nevada State College is partnering with the following schools to provide Concurrent Enrollment opportunities in alignment with Teaching and Training Curriculum:
Please contact your school counselor at the above sites to obtain information regarding program specifics.
CTE College Credit gives students the opportunity to earn free college credit in articulated high school career and technical education (CTE) programs. CTE programs are a sequence of high school elective classes, taught at the high school by high school teachers, preparing students to be college and career ready.
There are over 40 programs offered in high schools throughout Nevada, which are articulated for CSN college credit. The goal of CTE College Credit is to increase academic opportunities for high school students to obtain college credit in strategic pathways that lead toward meaningful CSN degrees/certificates or transfer education.
All dual credit coursework must be approved prior to enrolling in university coursework. Please contact your school counselor to obtain the required application for dual credit.