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Attendance and Tardy Policy

The Board of School Trustees requires that students enrolled in the Clark County School District attend school regularly in accordance with the Nevada Revised Statutes. It is the parent or guardian's responsibility to see that regular attendance is maintained and that their child is on time. Please call the school office when your child is absent. When your child returns to school, please send a note explaining the absence to the teacher. If the student is going to be out for more than three days, a written excuse needs to be brought into the school office.

Click the link for more information: 

Parent's Guide to School Attendance

Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday each week.

Homework is an integral part of the learning process and is used to extend and expand activities presented in the classroom. Homework will reflect the identified needs of students. Parents should encourage their child to complete homework independently and then check for completion and legibility. We believe that the reinforcement of skill development, self-discipline and good study habits are of great importance for academic success. 

Click the link for more information on the Homework Hotline:

Homework Hotline

Student Attire

Students have a responsibility to dress in alignment with the Clark County School District dress and appearance guidelines. 

For more information, click the link to download:

 CCSD Regulation 5131, Dress and Appearance.