Learning Designer

Social Media and Gaming in the Classroom

In today's world social media and gaming are being used everyday by our students and our society. As educators we can use them in our classrooms to help students learn and create based on the content we teach so we can develop a more engaging classroom. Use the link below to learn more about how social media and gaming benefit students.

Social Media and Gaming Kahoot

Assessment Tools for the Classroom

Watch the video above of 5 different assessment tools you can use with your students to get the most out of your data!

Assessment Tool Examples

Use the links below to look at different examples of the assessment tools to the left can be implemented in different ways.

Kahoot Formative Exit Ticket

Flip Grid Formative/Summative Oral Response

Google Form Quiz

Distance Learning Strategies

It is useful to be flexible as a teacher a be prepared to teach in any situation including distance learning. Some of these are great strategies to use even if you are in a face-to-face setting. Use the Wiki I created below to check out engagement strategies that work with students in a distance setting.

Distance Learning Strategies

Model Lesson

The task of taking on an online teaching can feel daunting if you are not adequately prepared. Check out a link to a lesson in both synchronous and asynchronous versions to see an example of a good distance learning lesson.

Synchronous Nearpod lesson

Asynchronous Nearpod lesson