Guidelines for presenter

Guidelines for Presenters


Please find below some potentially useful material to assist you in preparing a presentation for the 1st International Conference in Palliative Care and Family Health Nursing (ICPC&FHN). Below you will find specific information for Oral and Poster Presentations.


1. Presentation materials

All the presenters are required to prepare their presentation materials, some of which should be submitted to the organizing committee beforehand.

2. Oral Presentations for speakers 

The selected oral presentations have been allocated a 10 minutes time slot. These 10 minutes include a presentation of 7 minutes and questions of 3 minutes. It is important to strictly adhere to this schedule as most oral presentations are scheduled in parallel sessions.


2.1 Oral speakers attending onsite at Amari Don Muang Airport Hotel Bangkok

2.2 Oral speakers attending Online

You will be asked to submit your 7 minute-video clip presentation via the conference website in advance. Online oral speakers should be accessing a Zoom platform 30 minutes before your session.  You should be turning your camera on during the organizing committee while your video presentation will be turned on by the conference staff. You should standby for answer the questions from the participants.


3. Poster Presentations