★ Winner|得獎作品

  • The number of votes is calculated as the sum of twitter like and IG like.

  • Total votes:11,424

  • Total donation of public welfare funds (TWD): $ 32,000

    • Road Killing Club: $ 11,000

    • Make Good Life With Traveler and Hen: $ 10,000

    • HOTAC: $ 11,000

  • 票數計算為 twitter likeIG like 加總。

  • 總計票數:11,424

  • 總計捐出公益款項 (TWD):$ 32,000

    • 路殺社:$ 11,000

    • 食二糧:$ 10,000

    • 台灣之心:$ 11,000

1st Place

Fatty Mix Cat


  • Creator: @sumomonlee

  • IG votes: 565

  • Twitter votes:2,891

2nd Place

Dozing Cat


  • Creator: @sofia8651

  • IG votes: 68

  • Twitter votes:2,481

(The reward will donate to HOTAC )

3rd Place

Chamaeleo Calyptratus


  • Creator: @hongjiazhang1102

  • IG votes: 202

  • Twitter votes:918

Finalists (4-9th Place)入圍作品 (第 4~9 名)

4th Place

Sleeping Roosters


  • Creator: @食二糧

  • IG votes: 18

  • Twitter votes: 1,008

5th Place

Sleeping Boa Constrictor


  • Creator: @路殺社

  • IG votes: 21

  • Twitter votes: 971

6th Place

Napping Golden Hamster


  • Creator: @chuchusdiary

  • IG votes: 520

  • Twitter votes: 80

7th Place

Orange Cat


  • Creator: @connie_teng_

  • IG votes: 461

  • Twitter votes: 67

8th Place

Mix Dog Meimei


  • Creator: @tammyyang0214

  • IG votes: 33

  • Twitter votes: 401

9th Place

Green Tree Frog


  • Creator: @yuefeng4935

  • IG votes: 38

  • Twitter votes: 283

    • The top 9 winners are assisted by the organizer to issue Capture NFT auctions on the Lootex platform.

    • 1 NFT will be issued for the winning and shortlisted works of this event, and the sales amount will be:

      • Charity demonstration works: USD $399

      • General entries: USD $299

    • The winners agree that the proceeds from the sale of the products should deduct the CaptureClub platform transaction service fee (12%) and transfer fees.

    • 前 9 名獲選者由主辦單位協助於 Lootex 平台上發行 Capture NFT 拍賣

    • 本次活動得獎及入圍作品各發行 1 個 NFT,販售金額:

      • 公益示範作品:USD $399

      • 一般參賽作品:USD $299

    • 獲選者同意商品售出後之收益應扣除 CaptureClub 平台交易服務費 (12%) 與轉帳手續費。