Laptop/Chromebook Support
Check for Chromebook updates yourself
Turn on your Chromebook.
Sign into the Chromebook using your school login credentials.
At the bottom right, select the time.
Select Settings .
At the bottom of the left panel, select About Chrome OS.
Under "Google Chrome OS," you'll find which version of the Chrome operating system your Chromebook uses.
Select Check for updates.
If your Chromebook finds a software update, it will start to download automatically.
NCPS Families,
Due to the poor cell phone signals in our area, the school issued hotspots may not be strong enough to connect to the live streaming Google Meet. However, the hotspots will work for all other school related tasks such as viewing recorded Google Meet sessions, connecting to Canvas, submitting assignments, and email. Not being able to connect to a Google Meet will not cause students to be marked absent. These sessions are used as an opportunity for students to meet with their teacher in real time. However, students that are unable to participate in the daily Google Meet sessions still have an opportunity to receive instruction by viewing the daily recorded lessons and completing assignments on their time by the due date. In both cases students will be counted present.
Please follow these tips to refresh your Chromebook and hotspot connection device:
Signing out of your Chromebook will help refresh your settings and wifi connections.
At the bottom right of the screen, select the time, then click Sign out.
Log back into your Chromebook when prompted
When connecting your MIFI device, make sure you use the correct wifi password. Follow the instructions to find the wifi password for your hotspot device:
From the Home screen, tap Wi-Fi Name/Password. To turn on the display, press the Power button (top-right edge).
View the Wi-Fi Name and Wi-Fi password.

Getting Started with a Chromebook
**some features mentioned here may not be available ***
Connecting your Chromebook
Chromebook Won't Charge or Turn on

Saving Files on Chromebooks

Navigating Your Chromebook by Keyboard

Searching the Address Bar

Browsing Tabs and Links

Navigating the Chrome OS Interface

Making Your Chromebook Easier to See

Chromebook Touchpad

Keyboard Shortcuts pt 2

Taking a Screen Shot