Our Programs
Our Programs
Bachelor of Arts in English
The philosophy of our Bachelor of Arts in English program is grounded in the conviction that a comprehensive understanding of language, literature, and linguistics is fundamental to the human experience. We believe that studying English literature, linguistics and language fosters a deep appreciation of cultural diversity, historical context, and human creativity.
We encourage our students to explore the richness of the English language through a diverse range of literary texts and genres. Our curriculum promotes the development of critical thinking, creative expression, and effective communication skills, empowering students to articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly and persuasively.
We are committed to instilling an understanding of the ways in which language reflects and shapes our world. By analyzing the work of others, students learn to appreciate different perspectives, thus fostering empathy and cultural understanding. At the same time, through writing, they learn to express their own unique voices and perspectives.
Our philosophy emphasizes the importance of adaptability and versatility in our rapidly changing world. The skills developed through studying English - such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and clear communication - are highly transferable and valued in a wide range of careers.
Ultimately, our Bachelor of Arts in English aims to nurture a lifelong love of reading, writing, and learning, cultivating informed, empathetic, and articulate citizens who are prepared to contribute meaningfully to society.
Explore more about our undergraduate program below.
Master of Arts in English Language Studies
The philosophy of our Master's program in English Language Studies is grounded in the belief that language is a fundamental tool of human expression and understanding, and that mastery of language, in all its complexities, is vital for participation in a global society.
We believe in the transformative power of language to illuminate our shared human experience, foster empathy, and engender critical and creative thinking. Our program is designed to deepen students' knowledge of English language, while encouraging them to explore and contribute to contemporary research in the field.
We believe in the importance of understanding the historical, cultural, and social contexts in which English is used and has evolved. We encourage our students to engage with a diverse range of texts, discourses, and language practices, and to consider how language reflects, shapes, and challenges societal norms and identities.
We are committed to developing our students' proficiency in critical analysis, research, and communication skills. We believe these skills are not only essential for academic success, but also for a wide range of careers in today's information-rich, interconnected world.
Above all, our philosophy is rooted in the belief that the study of English language is a rewarding intellectual pursuit that fosters curiosity, cultural understanding, and a lifelong love of learning.
Explore more about our graduate program below.
undergradute program
Degree: Bachelors of Arts in English -- B.A. (English)
Our program is specifically designed to empower graduates for the dynamic demands of a globalized world with the essential skills for the 21st century . We are willing to enhance your communicative English abilities and deepen your knowledge of English linguistics and literature, guided by our highly qualified teaching staff.
Ensuring a well-rounded and fulfilling educational experience, the curriculum focuses on four primary areas:
English Linguistics
English Literature
English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
Program Structure:
General Education 24 credits
Professional Education 102 credits
Faculty core course 3 credits
Major required courses 63 credits
Major elective courses 12 credits
Minor courses 18 credits
Cooperative Education / Internship / 6 credits
Academic or Professional Training
Free Elective Courses 6 credits
TOTAL 132 credits
graduate program
Degree: Master of Arts in English Language Studies -- M.A. (English Language Studies)
Our program aims to broaden your career prospects, designed to develop graduates with in-depth knowledge and expertise in the field of English language and its teaching & learning methodologies. You can benefit from a team of highly qualified and experienced educators who are committed to guiding you towards academic and professional success.
We offer 2 types of graduate program.
Type A - Academic Track (Coursework and Thesis)
Type B - Professional Track (Coursework and Independent Studies)
Please click links below to explore the details of each track.
graduate program: Type A - Academic Track
Learning Outcomes:
PLO 1: Demonstrate proficiency in academic English for both learning and research purposes.
PLO 2: Accurately explicate theories and principles pertaining to English language studies.
PLO 3: Being Capable of analyzing situations relevant to English language studies.
PLO 4: Apply theoretical knowledge of the English language to research and other related activities.
PLO 5: Adhere to international standards of morality, ethics, academics, and research.
PLO 6: Exhibit skills conducive to personal development, collaborates effectively with others, and engages in lifelong learning.
PLO 7: Utilize information technology in research, demonstrating competence in both qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Program Structure:
Coursework 24 Credits
Required Courses 15 credits
credit courses 15 credits
non-credit courses (3 courses)
elective courses 12 credits
Thesis 12 Credits
TOTAL 36 credits
List of Courses and Curriculum Mapping Showing How to Achieve Learning Outcomes
graduate program: Type B - Professional Track
Learning Outcomes:
PLO 1: Demonstrate proficiency in academic English for both learning and research purposes.
PLO 2: Accurately explicate theories and principles pertaining to English language studies.
PLO 3: Being Capable of analyzing situations relevant to English language studies.
PLO 4: Apply theoretical knowledge of the English language to research and other related activities in professional area.
PLO 5: Adhere to international standards of morality, ethics, academics, and research.
PLO 6: Exhibit skills conducive to personal development, collaborates effectively with others, and engages in lifelong learning.
PLO 7: Utilize information technology in research, demonstrating competence in both qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Program Structure:
Coursework 30 Credits
Required Courses 30 credits
credit courses 15 credits
non-credit courses (3 courses)
elective courses 15 credits
Independent Study 6 Credits
TOTAL 36 credits
List of Courses and Curriculum Mapping Showing How to Achieve Learning Outcomes