歡迎來到 大紐約區臺大校友會
臺灣大學 百歲推手 募款專案
大紐約區臺灣大學校友會理事會決議,全力支持 "臺大百歲推手" 募款專案。我們歡迎校友個人持續小額捐款,積沙成塔,能達到每年籌募美金 $33,000 的目標。更感謝能提供大額捐款的個人和單位。
募款目標:建設 "臺大百歲紀念館" 及 校園軟硬體建設經費。百歲紀念館建設說明如下方連結。
方案一:單筆新台幣 100 萬元 (美金 $33,000 )
方案二:2024~2027 分年捐款,至 2027年底達新台幣 100 萬元。
方案三:系所班級、校友會、社團單位 合捐 新台幣 100 萬元。

Welcome, from the President of NTUAA-GNY 會長
President Simon Chen Physics - 1983
會長 陳尚勇 物理 - 1983
Welcome from the President of NTUAA-GNY
Welcome to www.ntuaa-gny.org. The major goal of this website is to promote communication among NTU alumni, locally and globally. I would enthusiastically encourage NTU alumni to visit frequently and explore the benefits of communication and interaction among us. Please spread the address to your friends and bookmark it as one of the “Favorites” in your computer.
The website in its present form may be considered a prototype version 1.0. It certainly can be improved to enhance its potential. Therefore, I would sincerely call for constructive suggestions to improve our website.
NTUAA-GNY welcomes you to advertise your business in this website. The advertisement will extend your business to thousands of NTU alumni, plus their friends, in the Greater New York area. Furthermore, it represents your support for NUTAA-GNY and will help the maintenance of this website financially.
各位校友好,時間過得真快,轉眼已進入 2023 年第4季度。首先我必須表達很榮幸能被一群和藹謙卑,才華橫溢的理事包圍。 通過参與擧辦各項活動,我才真正注意到理事們所擁有的才華及他們對校友會的奉獻和熱情。
理事會今年推出的活動非常令人興奮。 首先以一場溫馨的慈善震災活動拉開了今年的序幕,這一努力體現出我們回饋社區的承諾。 緊接著舉辦了幾場線上講座, 使我們能夠在相隔遙遠的情況下相互聯繫、分享知識和互動。春天的花朵盛開,我們的精神也隨之綻放。四月底我們齊聚一堂,參加了台灣國立交響樂團帶來的一場精彩的音樂會,讓我們的內心充滿了音樂之美和思鄉的情。 五月中旬我們相聚戶外賞花品粽,在陽光下分享歡笑和回憶 。八月初我們在專業導遊的帶領下參觀著名的紐約大都會博物館,然後享用一頓愉快的希臘晚餐。 這些活動體現了我們致力於促進文化欣賞,也熱衷於加強會員之間的聯繫。
在今年所有活動中真正突顯的是籠罩在所有校友身上的友情,理事之間的互動非常鼓舞人心,每位理事都帶來了獨特的視角和技能。最後,我想對積極參與今年活動的校友們表示最深切的謝意,我希望你們不僅擁有美好的回憶,也感受到和校友們聯繫所帶來的愛和快樂。 展望明年讓我們繼續努力對我們的校友和母校產生積極的影響。祝大家身體健康,事事如意,下次活動見!
Misson & Purpose of NTUAA-GNY 我們的使命
Mission/Purpose of NTUAA-GNY
The purposes for which this corporation has been organized are as follows:
1) To foster fellowship and goodwill among the members of the association.
2) To help fellow graduates of National Taiwan University (NTU) in need.
3) To further and support the best interest of NTU.
4) To advance the cause of education to the public at large by establishing a
scholarship fund, holding meetings and seminars, and providing speakers for
these functions.
5) To render service and assist economic rehabilitation of deserving disadvantaged persons.
History 本會創會歷史
History of NTUAA-GNY
The National Taiwan University Alumni Association of Greater New York, Inc. (NTUAA-GNY) was founded by a group of 17 alumni in 1985. Since then, the organization has grown steadily. At the present time, there are more than 1,200 members in the tri-state area.
The goal of NTUAA-GNY is to serve its members/fellow graduates of NTU, to support NTU and to advance the cause of education to public at large. In the past 38 years, NTUAA-GNY has accomplished its goal through annual and specific meetings, workshops, symposia, art exhibitions, community services, as well as through its printed publications. The NTUAA-GNY continues to offer new initiatives to serve alumni. We sincerely invite all alumni in the tri-state area to join the NTUAA-GNY family.