Internet Safety for Parents


Websites for Parents:

Crime Prevention: Cyberbullying


Illinois Attorney General

iSafe: Cyberbullying

KidsHealth Cyberbuylling

PTA: Bullying

Stop Cyberbullying: Parents


I Walk With Vanessa by Kerascoet

An elementary school girl witnesses the bullying of another girl, but she is not sure how to help in this wordless picture book.

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell

Even when the class bully at her new school makes fun of her, Molly remembers what her grandmother told her and she feels good about herself.

Stick and Stone by Beth Ferry

Stick and Stone are both lonely until Pinecone's teasing causes one to stick up for the other, and a solid friendship is formed.

Willow Finds a Way by Lana Button

Willow finds a way to stand up to Kristabelle, the boss of the class who bullies everyone.

Internet Behavior

Websites for Parents:

Caring for Kids: Social Media

KidsHealth: Teaching Kids to Be Smart with Social Media

Stay Safe Online: Raising Digital Citizens

WebWise Kids

Websites for Kids:

BrainPOP, Jr. Internet Safety

FBI: Safe Online Surfing



Three CyberPigs


A Garfield Guide to Posting Online: Pause Before You Post by Scott Nickel

Nermal loves posting on social media. But Arlene and Garfield think Nermal is sharing too much personal information. Online security expert Dr. Cybrina helps Nermal learn how much is too much to share online.

#Goldilocks : a hashtag cautionary tale by Jeanne Willis

Everyone loves Goldilocks' hilarious online videos, but in her quest to get more likes, more laughs and more hits, she tries something a little more daring: stealing porridge #pipinghot, breaking chairs #fun, and using someone else's bed #sleep. What will Daddy Bear do when he sees that online?

Me, myselfie, & I : a cautionary tale by Jamie Lee Curtis

When her mom becomes obsessed with taking selfies, a little girl must bring her back to reality.

Nerdy Birdy Tweets by Aaron Reynolds

Spending all of his time on social media making online friends, Nerdy Birdy neglects his live friend, Vulture.