
Jan 17, 2019

New Thermoelectric Material Delivers Record Performance.

Nov 18th, 2018

Dr. Ren received Humboldt prize.

Sept 5th, 2018

Texas Center for Superconductivity Announces New Leadership.

July 5th, 2018

Researchers Upend Conventional Wisdom on Thermal Conductivity

June 29th, 2018

Novel hybrid catalyst to split water discovered.

Sept 18th, 2017

New Approach Boosts Performance in Thermoelectric Materials.

Mar 22nd, 2017

New journal of "Materials Today Physics" launched.

Nov 18th, 2016

Congratulations on Ran He, Hao Zhang, and Jing Shuai successfully finished their Ph.D. thesis defenses.

Nov 14th, 2016

Researchers report new thermoelectric material with high power factors.

July 19th, 2016

UH Physicist Joins Project to Develop New High Thermal Conducting Material.

July 6th, 2016

Researchers Report Record Performance for Bismuth-based Zintl Material.

June 27th, 2016

UH Researchers Discover a New Method to Boost Oil Recovery.

Mar 3rd, 2015

UH Researchers Discover New Material to Produce Clean Energy.

May 15th, 2014

New Thermoelectric Materials: MgAgSb, MgAg0.97Sb0.99, and MgAg0.965Ni0.005Sb0.99.

Feb 7th, 2014

Media coverage on the of Flexible Transparent Conductor.

Jan 15th, 2014

The O’Donnell Awards video regarding Prof. Ren was released. (For Prof. Ren's segment, please click here)

Dec 30th, 2013

Prof. Ren was featured by KUHF radio station.

Dec 22nd, 2013

Prof. Ren was featured by Houston Chronicle.

Dec 15th, 2013

In collaboration with Prof. Jiming Bao at UH, cobalt(II) oxide (CoO) nanoparticles fabricated by ball milling is proved to be capable of splitting water with a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 5%, published in the recent issue of Nature Nanotechnology (please click here) and highlighted in (please click here)

Dec 10th, 2013

Prof. Ren is named the 2014 Recipient of the Edith and Peter O’Donnell Award in Science from The Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas (TAMEST),

For media coverage, please click here.

Dec 10th, 2013

Prof. Ren is elected as a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors,

For media coverage, please click here.

Oct. 22, 2013

New Thermoelectric Materials: Tin Telluride with Indium.