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81. H. A. Blackstead, J. D. Dow, D. R. Harshman, D. B. Pulling, Z. F. Ren, D. Z. Wang, "Magnetic resonance and Mossbauer studies of GdSr2Cu2RuO8" Physica C 364, 305-308 (2001).

80. W. Z. Li, J. G. Wen, Z. F. Ren, "Straight carbon nanotube Y-junctions", Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 1879 - 1881 (2001).

79. W. Z. Li, J. G. Wen, Y. Tu, and Z. F. Ren, "Effect of Gas Pressure on the Growth and Structure of Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor Deposition", Appl. Phys. A 73, 259-264 (2001).

78. J. H. Chen, Z. P. Huang, D. Z. Wang, S. X. Yang, J. G. Wen, and Z. F. Ren, "Electrochemical synthesis of polypyrrole / carbon nanotube nanoscale composites using well-aligned carbon nanotube arrays", Appl. Phys. A. 73, 129-131 (2001).

77. E. T. Thostenson, Z. F. Ren and Tsu-Wei Chou, "Advances in the science and technology of carbon nanotubes and their composites: a review", Composites Science and Technology 61, 1899-1912 (2001).

76. J. G. Wen, Z. P. Huang, D. Z. Wang, J. H. Chen, S. X. Yang, Z. F. Ren J. H. Wang, L. E. Calvet, J. Chen, J. F. Klemic, M. A. Reed, "Growth and characterization of aligned carbon nanotubes from patterned nickel nanodots and uniform thin films", Journal of Materials Research 16, 3246-3253 (2001).

75. W. Z. Li, D. Z. Wang, S. X. Yang, J. G. Wen, and Z. F. Ren, "Controlled Growth of Carbon Nanotubes on Graphite Foil by Chemical Vapor Deposition", Chemical Physics Letters 335, 141-149 (2001).

74. D. Z. Wang, H. I. Ha, S. X. Yang, J. I. Oh, J. G. Wen, M. J. Naughton, Z. F. Ren, "Synthesis and characterization of heavily overdoped Tl2Ba2CuO6+d thin films", Physica C 355, 251 - 256 (2001).