Wnt signaling, tissue patterning, and growth

Tissue and organ formation during development depends on the specification of distinct cell types within a pool of progenitor cells and the coordinated control of cell proliferation to regulate tissue growth. An important goal of developmental biology is to understand the molecular underpinnings behind these processes.

Our lab uses the zebrafish and annual killifish to understand the link between cell signaling, embryonic patterning and tissue growth. Specifically, we are dissecting how the Wnt signal transduction pathway regulates patterning and growth within the early brain primordium and the mesoderm. Thank you for visiting our site! Have a look at a summary of our research, meet our people, or holler at us (Texan for "contact us"!).

New News!

The killifish have arrived! As of September, 2021, we are rearing African Turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri) in addition to our zebrafish colony!

After ~1.5 years, I finally updated the website! Still a work in progress.

Old News!

The 2019 Texas Zebrafish Conference happened here at UH on Nov 01-02 (the before times)! Click here!