
UH AAPG Wildcatters development events

Talks and workshops \\ $300

Talks and workshops by industry and academic experts are opportunities for students to learn more about the oil industry and the most recent studies in a wide variety of scopes.

  • Experts from industry and the academic regime will be invited to share their experiences and get connected with the students

  • Companies are welcome to host their own information sessions/workshops/talks and have direct interactions with our students

  • Occurrence: 5-6 events per semester

Field trips \\ $1500

Opportunity for students to get out into the field and look at actual rocks.

  • All geoscientists need to visit the field to gain an understanding of the rocks and settings we all work on

  • Experts from industry guide students through geologically interesting, natural laboratories such as Big Bend and the Arbuckles

  • Occurrence: 1 event per year

Student conference sponsor \\ $300

Sponsorship for conferences allows students to present and share their research with scholars all around the world.

  • Conferences such as AAPG ACE and GSA is are great opportunities for students to enjoy learning from talks and academic posters

  • Opportunity for companies to sponsor students to certain conferences

  • Occurrence: 1-2 events per semester

EAS PhD student Nahid Hasan presents at the AAPG Mexico virtual event

EAS Sequence stratigraphy field trip at The Glades, near Flaming Gorge. Photo by Kurt Rudolph