brave new world

A Community Street Art Project

The Choose Love Formula:

Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love

A collaboration between the students of Brentwood Academy, Nashua High School North, and Nashua High School South

Art in the street makes people happy! It makes their day and their commute more interesting. It adds character to what would otherwise just be grey and boring.

Art reminds people to feel alive. It wakes people up. It inspires. Motivates. And sometimes it can make people think.

Street art takes the ‘normal’ and makes it a thousand times more interesting. We will be participating in a Street art project that will allow each student to express themselves in a positive way. We will be hanging our works of art in the community for all to see. It will visually shout to the viewer how resilient we all are as individuals, and as a community through these uncharted times.


Click here for the slide presentation on Brave New World: A Street Art Project