If your life or someone else's life is in danger please call 911.

If you are in crisis and need help now, please call 988 or you can text "Got 5" to 741741.

Always seek immediate help if a child engages in unsafe behavior or talks about wanting to hurt themselves or someone else.  

Refer to this list of local and national resources:  Click Here to See Where To Get Help

Wellness Support

If you need additional wellness support for your child this school year, please contact the support staff at your child's school directly.  NSCSD has many different mental health support staff available including School Counselors, School Social Workers, School Psychologists, ADAPEP Counselors, Student Assistance Counselors and Liberty Resources Therapists. The information for each building can be located by clicking below.


Mental Health Resources

"Where can I learn more about children's mental health?"

It can be hard for families to tell the difference between challenging behaviors and emotions that are consistent with typical child development and those that are cause for concern. In general, if a child’s behavior persists for a few weeks or longer, causes distress for the child or the child’s family, and interferes with functioning at school, at home, or with friends, then consider seeking help.

Click here for informational resources on a variety of mental health topics to help families and educators support student success.

Practical Tips

Do you have a test coming up? These 10 tips can help you stay calm and focused.

Learn strategies that can help you navigate peer pressure.

Remember the "ACT" acronym: Acknowledge, Care, Tell.

Feeling a little down or sluggish? Try these tips to lift your mood.

A Crisis is when you are worried that someone's safety is at risk.  A concern might require adult intervention but not immediately.

Death is not easy to deal with, especially when you have lost someone special.  This page will give you suggestions on how to cope.

Check out strategies to help you increase your sense of wellbeing

Nicotine addiction, severe lung health and death have been reported - vaping is risky behavior!

Help children feel safe by establishing a sense of normalcy and security and talking with them about their fears. 

Starting a conversation about mental health does not need to be uncomfortable, and it can make all the difference. Check out these resources to learn how to support a friend – or get help for yourself.

One Love empowers young people with the tools and resources they need to see the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships and bring life-saving prevention education to their communities.

Hi! I’m Gizmo. I’m a therapy dog, and I’m here to tell you that your mental health is just as important as your physical health.