Social Studies: 7 Topics

5.1 A- Various forms of scientific evidence suggests humans came to North America approx. 25,000-14,000 years ago to spread southward to South America.

5.1B- Human populations that settled along rives, in rainforests, along oceans, on deserts, plains, in mountains, and in cold climate adapted to and made use of the resources and environment around them in developing distinct ways of life.

5.2 A-Civilizations share certain common characteristics such as religion, job specialization, cities, government, language and writing systems technology and social hierarchy.

5.2B- Complex societies and civilizations adapted to and modified their environment to meet the needs of their people.

Maya, Aztec and Incas

5.3A- Europeans traveled to the Americas in search of new trade routes, including a northwest passage, and resources.

5.3B- Europeans encountered and interacted with native Americans in a variety of ways.

5.3C- The transatlantic trade of goods, movement of people, and a spread of ideas and diseases resulted in the Columbian Exchange which reshaped the lives and beliefs of people.

5.4A- physical maps and product maps reflect the landforms, bodies of water, and natural resources of the Western Hemisphere.

5.4B- Political maps show how the Western Hemisphere can be divided into regions.

5.5A- The countries of the Western Hemisphere have varied characteristics and contributions that distinguish them from other countries.

5.5B- Countries in the Western Hemisphere face a variety of concerns and issues specific to the region.

5.6A- Examine the basic structure of the Unites States federal government , including the president, Congress and courts.

5.7A- Peoples of the Western Hemisphere have engaged in a variety of economic activities to meet their needs and wants.

5.7B- Countries trade with each other to meet economic needs and wants. They are interdependent.