Second grade info

The ABC’s of 2nd Grade

(A Guide to Classroom Policies and Procedures)


A Attendance

Learning and fun take place everyday! Please make sure your child comes to school everyday on time, except in cases of illness or emergency.

B Birthdays

I have sent home a note regarding birthdays 9/10/19.

Box Tops – Our school is collecting “Box Tops for Education.” Each label is worth 10 cents…it adds up fast!

C Communication

Communication between home and school is very important for your second grader. Feel free to contact the school or send a note on your child’s homework contract as I am checking it every day. Please feel free to contact me at school or write me a note


Conferences are twice a year in the Fall and Spring.

D Dismissal

School ends at 3:20pm on full school days and at 12:00 noon on early release days. If your child is to go home a different way than his or her normal manner you must send a written note.

E Emergencies

The school may need to contact you in case of an emergency. If your phone number or address changes, please notify the school. This is very important.

F Family

The students and I spend a lot of time together and consider one another part of our “school family.” Please encourage your child to tell you something about their day at school.

G Grades

Some tests and class assignments will be kept as grades as well as in your child’s portfolio to monitor progress throughout the year.

H Homework

Your child will have homework Monday through Thursday. Usually it will be a math practice page, a reading page and a spelling practice page. Homework is reinforcement of skills learned in class. Please check your child’s homework and help only if they ask for it. As a part of their homework, your child should be reading at least 20 min. every night.

I Important Papers

Important notices will be sent home periodically. Please check your child’s homework folder for important papers every night.

J Job Well Done

Please encourage your child to do the best job they can.

K Kindness

Kindness is expected out of everyone with there words and actions

L Lunch

Lunch is for helping are minds and bodies to grow.

M Money

If you are sending money to school, please put it in an envelope and have it labeled. Often times a student comes to school with money and does not remember what it is for.

N Newsletters

All monthly newsletters will be on my web page. I update the web page monthly. Please feel free to look it over.

O Organization

Good organizational habits begin to form in second grade. To help keep your child organized through the year

P Practice

Just like any other thing you expect to be good at, the skills learned in school need to be practiced. Please provide time at home after school for your child to practice their math facts and reading.

Q Questions or Concerns

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. The best way to contact me is through your child’s homework contract or send in a note.

R Reading

We will be doing lots of reading in 2nd grade. Please allow time for your child to read to you. Read books to them that are more advanced than their reading level. Share with them your love for reading.

S Scholastic Book Clubs

Your child will be bringing home book order forms frequently this year. This is a great way to purchase books inexpensively, while helping our class earn points towards other items!

T Talking

Talking to friends about feelings and ideas is an important part of learning. There are, however, appropriate and inappropriate times to talk. I understand that breaking rules about talking may seem less important than others, but I encourage you to support me in the enforcement of this rule, because it does affect your child's learning as well as other children.

U Unique

I believe that each child has unique learning differences; therefore I will be providing instruction to your child that may be different than his or her peers.

V Volunteers

If you would like to volunteer in the school when you come in for Open House, I will have a sign up sheet. Please let me know days and times.

W Writing

Reading and writing are closely linked. This year your child will be writing both expository essays and narrative stories. We will be trying hard to learn about the correct uses of punctuation and grammar as well.


I am excited to work with You and Your child this year! Make sure he/she gets plenty of Zzzzz’s each night as we have exciting days planned for this year.