Zoom Video


Using Zoom for Open House

Join a Meeting: Click the meeting link or paste the link in the web address bar

Create a Meeting: 1. Navigate to https://zoom.us/home 2. Sign In 3. Sign in with Google

Copy of Zoom web conference with student interaction.webm
Copy of Zoom web conference without student interaction.webm
Zoom Teacher Tips (to be edited)

Zoom recommendations for NSCSD teachers

Review this document for recommended settings in Zoom. Do NOT publish your link on a public website! Share it via Classroom, Remind, email, or only NSCSD can view.

Establish norms with your students.

Review the norms each time you meet.

Students do NOT need to create Zoom Accounts.

Post the norms on your Website or Google Classroom. Do NOT post meeting links publicly.

Have your students view the Slides and take this Quiz! Log in to Wizer with Google and make a copy to share with students. Thanks Alyssa Pompo!

Knight · SlidesCarnival
Video Conferencing Options