Mrs. Alvaro's Music Class

Hello to all my students and families!

Thank you for visiting my website today! I hope you will find some ideas to inspire you to create, perform, move, and listen to music at home.

You can use the Drop down menu in the top corner to navigate the site.

I arranged the pages like this:

Music at Home:

  • Early Music Essentials-Songs, poems with motions, vocal explorations, etc. (Essential for K/1/2, but good for any age)
  • Music Literacy Skills- Solfege (Do, Re, Mi) and rhythm reading (Essential for Grades 1-4)
  • Extension Lessons- Specific lessons with ways to Perform, Create, Listen, Connect, and Respond to music. (All ages)
  • Note Reading/Precorder- (Grades 3/4)

Links to Additional Resources:

  • Links to websites with music-related information, games, and activities to do online.


  • Links to the music for the songs we are learning for our next concert.

Be sure to stop by again soon-I will try to add new ideas every few days.

I am looking forward to making music again with you soon!

Mrs. Alvaro