So...throughout the year...

I will be emailing home weekly to keep us all on the same page for what is going on here in school.

I also will be reaching out just to update you on your child's on IEP quarterly reports. This will be around the same time as report cards/grades will become available on SchoolTool from your child's general education teachers.

I will also be emailing/reaching out to all parents during Annual Review season (Spring 2023-This is when we collaborate to develop your child's IEP for next year. The document will state strengths, accomplishments, collected data, accommodations/modifications, recommended services for the next school year, parent concerns and goals for next year.)

If your child is due for their Re-evaluation, sometimes coincides with the projected Annual Review season and sometimes it does not. We might have one big meeting or two big meetings. I will communicate this to you, if this is the case. The meeting(s) will included everything stated above for an Annual Review, however all service providers will administer additional cognitive, language and academic assessments.

I like to send out invitations during these times for parents/guardians to complete a google form so I can include this information in my reports. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.