ABC's of Education

Attendance: If you child is going to be absent, please call the school at 315-218-2800 to let the nurse know your child will be out for the day.

Book Orders: Scholastic book orders will be sent home starting in October. This is a great way to purchase books inexpensively. You will also have access to order these books online.

Communication: Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns. our phone and e-mail contact information is listed on the website. Conferences will be scheduled in November and March.

Dismissal: School ends at 3:15. Please send a note if your child will be dismissed at a different time or is to go home a different way than his/her normal schedule.

Emergencies: Please make sure we have the correct emergency numbers and information on file for your child.

Field Trips: Our class will participate in one field trip this year. Permission slips must be returned for your child to attend.

Grading Scale: The following grading scale is used in 3rd grade:





Homework: Your child will be responsible for their homework every night.

Internet Projects: Our classroom will be completing internet projects throughout the year. We will use the internet to research interesting topics and completely projects on those topics.

Journals: Your child will have a journal for Writing. Students can write in their journal after they complete assigned work. They may write about anything they want to. This allows them to be creative in their writing.

Kindness: We will learn to be kind to ourselves and others every day!

Library: We will visit the library on Wednesdays to check out books. Please make sure all books are returned by then to avoid suspended library privileges and/or fines.

Lunch: Lunch is every day from 12:31pm-1:01pm. Every now and then we will have “Lunch Bunch” in which students can eat lunch with us in the classroom.

Management: When a student is not following the established classroom expectations he/she will be asked to sit at recess for 5-10 minutes. They will have to think about their behavior and talk with us about how they can correct it for next time. We will also place a colored circle in your child's agenda each night indicating their behavior for the day. Please initial next to the sticker nightly.

Newsletters: Newsletters will be send home at the beginning of every month.

Open House (Back To School Night): TBD

Parties: Be on the lookout for information regarding classroom celebrations. Practice: The skills learned in class need to be practiced often, so please ask your child to read for you or quiz him/her on math facts.

Questions: Reading comprehension is important in 3rd grade. Ask your child questions about the books he/she reads.

Reading: Students are expected to read for 20 minutes at least 4 days a week.

Specials: Please make sure to wear sneakers on Tuesday and Thursday, bring library books back on Wednesday, and send in an old t-shirt for an Art smock.

Tardiness: Students will be considered tardy if they arrive in the classroom after 9:15; however, morning work and routines will begin as the buses are unloaded at 9:05. Arriving after this time causes students to lose instructional time.

Uppercase and lowercase: Make sure that your child uses correct capitalization and letter formation when writing.

Volunteers: We love volunteers! Moms, dads, grandparents….look for information on how you can help our classroom!

Water: Your child may bring a water bottle to keep at his/her desk.

We am eXcited to work with You and Your child this year! Make sure he/she gets plenty of ZZZ’s each night as we have exciting days planned for this year.