Classroom Expectations

Homework – Homework will be reading every night for about 15-20 minutes. This will start in October. Optional: writing stories, extra math pages that come home unfinished, spelling, or anything that comes home unfinished.

Expectations/Rules – The students come up with our “Classroom Expectations” and they are specific and clear of what is expected. Students are also clear of the consequences of their actions. We encourage positive behavior and great choices in our class. We are going to work really hard on filling our Warm Fuzzy Jar. We earn Warm Fuzzies by following all of our expectations and using Team Work! When we fill our jar we earn a class prize!! Our whole school is using S.O.A.R. for cohesive expectations. S.O.A.R. is for every aspect of school: classroom, bathroom, hallway, bus, and cafeteria.

Take-Home Folders – Take-Home Folders need to be brought home each night and returned to school each day.

Our schoolwide behavior plan: S.O.A.R.