HENRY and Dziados

Course Expectations: At the completion of the school year, your son or daughter, has mastered the materials in 8th Grade American History. In addition, that he or she is successful on the Midterm and Final exam, which combined equal one fifth of their total grade.



-Notebook or loose-leaf paper

-Pens and Pencils and Colored Pencils

-Index Cards


-Sticky Notes

-Headphones for use in class

Course Outline: Reconstruction-Present day

Grading Criteria:

Unit Tests/Quizzes 25%

Projects 15%

Class Work 60%

Textbook: A PDF version of the textbook is located on Google Classroom. Students will receive a login and password in order access the online addition of the textbook, My Word Interactive. Please email us if you are having difficulty access the on-line version.

Assignment Policy: Assignments will be posted along with due dates on Google Classroom. It is the student's responsibility to stay current with assignments.

Absences/ Make up Policy: Extra time to complete work is up to the teacher's discretion and is based upon individual circumstances. Please communicate any illness or difficulties so we can be of assistance.

Office Hours:

Monday 2:00–2:45

Thursday 2:00-2:45

Friday by appointment 2:00-2:45

Contact Information: If you ever have, any concerns throughout the year please feel free to call us at 218-3600 or email us at mhenry@nscsd.org or kdziados@nscsd.org . We are looking forward to working with your child this school year.