Class Information

Student Responsibilities:

  • Be on time and prepared for class

  • Bring a writing utensil each class and be prepared to think!

  • Be responsible for missed work and see Mr. Glaub before you fall behind!

  • Mature and safe behavior is expected at ALL times in this class

  • Be respectful to teachers, classmates, materials, and YOURSELF!


Each Marking Period grade will be based on these categories:

Assessments = 40%

Labs = 40%

Classwork = 20%

Retakes will not be allowed on assessments. Labs may be corrected to improve your grade. Late work will lose 20% and is only accepted until the end of 5 or 10 weeks each quarter!

Northern short-tailed shrew (Blarina brevicauda) in Liverpool, NY. This shrew is venomous, its saliva contains a toxin to help it capture larger prey.

Painted trillium (Trillium undulatum) is a spring ephemeral found throughout the east coast of the United States. All species of trillium are protected in New York State.

Laboratory Requirement:

There is a lab requirement that MUST be fulfilled to be eligible to take the NY State Regents exam in June. Successful completion of 1200 minutes of laboratory activities with satisfactory lab reports is required for admittance to the Regents exam. If you do not have enough lab minutes completed, you WILL NOT be eligible to take the Regents exam in June, WILL NOT be eligible for summer school, and WILL have to repeat the course next year.

Missed Work:

  • You are responsible for any work that you missed during an absence If you are absent and need assistance with the material you missed, stay after school for help. DON’T GET BEHIND!

  • Labs Missed due to absence must be made up ASAP! Lab materials are cleaned up/ thrown away/ put away after 1 week!

  • All materials are due by the grade deadline: one week before the district’s marking period ends

Classroom Safety:

Lab activities will sometimes involve the use of chemicals which can be harmful if used incorrectly. Some labs will involve equipment that could be dangerous and expensive. Most safety rules are common sense, but all rules have been made for your protection and the protection of the equipment. They are to be followed at ALL times. Specific instructions will be provided before each lab activity.

ANY horseplay during lab time can result in loss of credit for the lab assignment and possible removal from the classroom. There will be no opportunity to make up that lab activity. There are no exceptions. Disciplinary consequences may result from horseplay in the laboratory.

Spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) at Labrador Hollow Unique Area in Tully, New York. In early spring, they emerge from their underground hibernation and converge on vernal pools to breed before disappearing underground.