Phone number (315) 218-2144

Fax number        (315) 218-2189

Pupil Personnel Services

Julie Darmody Latham, Director of Special Education

Catie Reeve, Director of Special Education 

Sara Kees, Director of Special Education

Andrea Kocik, Administrative Assistant

Beth Morison, Administrative Assistant

The Office for Pupil Personnel Services is responsible for the instruction, administration, coordination, supervision and operation for programs of students with disabilities requiring Individualized Educational Plans (IEP's) and non-disabled students requiring Section 504 Plans. 

The Office for Pupil Personnel Services also coordinates education for pupils attending alternative programs  (Innovation Tech, STARS, REACH and CHOICES, Homebound Instruction) external to the North Syracuse Central School District. 

“Every person on this earth is full of great possibilities that can be realized through imagination, effort, and perseverance.”         

                            ~Scott Barry Kaufmann