Welcome to the C-NS Career Center! 

The Career Center has many functions with one main purpose -- to get students thinking about their future after high school.  Whether the student is heading to college , trade school , tech school, military, or joining the workforce, the time to begin career awareness, exploration, and preparedness is NOW!

This is what the CNS Career Center can offer you:

Onondaga Community College

"Music Student for a Day!" - March 3, 2023

OCC Music Student for a Day 2 March 3.pdf

Mrs. Rausa and Mrs. Deaver took 30 CNS students to O.C.C. for their “Music Student for a Day” event.  The students sat in on a music theory class, toured OCC, listened to a recital given by current music students, met all the staff, had lunch, and some even auditioned for the school while we were there!  We saw many former CNS students who visited us also.  An informational and fun day was had by all.

Many thanks to the coordinators of this event and the professors who volunteered their time to show what a fantastic music program OCC has become!