
The purpose of character education and SOAR at Cicero Elementary is to increase positive student behavior through the use of common language and consistent expectations school-wide. We believe that by focusing on the development of a "culture of kindness," where adults are effective role models during all interactions with our students and with each other, we will improve the overall learning environment, leading to increased academic, social, and emotional growth for all. 

 Cicero Elementary's Character Pledge

SOAR Acronym 

S- Safety First

O- Offer Respect 

A- Acts of Kindness

R- Responsibility and Teamwork

 Cicero Elemtnary SOAR Expecations


SOAR Awards

Every Friday, Cicero Elementary teachers and staff select one student from each of the different classrooms that have shown one of the SOAR qualities. In addition to the classrooms, teachers and staff from other areas of the building can select a student to receive one of these awards as well. It is a great honor for any student to receive one of these awards. 

Caught Soaring Certificate

Positivity Project 

Cicero Elementary continues to particiapte in the Positivity Project as part of character education curriculum. To learn more about the Positivity Project you can visit their website, https://posproject.org/