Frequently Asked Questions

Can my child participate in both sessions?

Yes. We would love to have your child join us for both sessions! Email Susan Muise (smuise@nsboro.k12.ma.us) to indicate your interest in this option. 

NOTE: This is not a full day option and tuition is doubled. On the days that both the morning and afternoon sessions meet, children need to be picked up at 11 and brought back for 12:30. 

Do you offer extended hours?


Do you offer summer programming?

No, our preschool operates during the traditional school year only.

Do you offer transportation?

No, families are responsible for bringing their children and picking them up.

Do we need to wait until September for our child to participate?

No, if your child is at least 2.9 years old and toilet trained they are welcome to join our program mid-school year so long as we have spots available. 

What is your definition of "toilet trained"?

Children who attend our program need to be toilet trained in order to participate. This means that children should be wearing underpants (not pull ups or diapers) during the day and should be able to tell when their body needs to release waste. It is expected that some children may need help cleaning up after toileting. Accidents are also of course anticipated but if happening too frequently your child may not actually be toilet trained.

Do you have advice for toilet training?

Yes! It is not a short and simple answer. And it's not always a popular opinion:

Skip the pull ups. They're essentially diapers. Maybe use them for bedtime. 

Parents have to be ready just as much as the child. If your child knows how to put things away where they belong, like toys and books, they can put their waste where it belongs. 

Go cold turkey and don't turn back. Honest. It will be difficult for the first day, but you can do it!

Plan to do it on a long weekend when you have no plans but to stay home. 

Don't give the process power. Don't comment on the mess, the laundry, or that it makes you happy. Instead, focus on their achievement. "I'm so happy for you" "That really worked out for you" or "That must be uncomfortable to have wet pants, let's change you" 

I have personally only toilet trained two children, my daughters, this fantastic advice comes from our child care provider who has cared for my own children. For more detailed literature please email me (smuise@nsboro.k12.ma.us).