Community Council

Spring City Elementary    451 East 100 North   Spring, City Utah    435-462-2169

Get involved in the Community Council:

Every Utah public school has a school community council consisting of the principal, elected school employees and parents.  Parent members must exceed the principal and staff by at least two. Charter schools may use the charter board if it has a two parent member majority or a process may be set up to elect a Charter Trust Lands Council with a two parent member majority. Parent members are elected by parents. Parent input is important in the decisions made by councils.

Creating Inclusive School Community Councils 

Parent participation on school community councils is important. Councils prepare, adopt, and implement education plans at their school. A majority of Utah parents are still unaware and unengaged, and many school community councils are not reflective of the diverse communities they represent. Building equitable representation from within the councils will give our state a greater community asset. 

Why Participate?

Improved student success and well being for ALL students

Engaged parent representation in decision making will allow for greater equity A diverse pool of parent viewpoints helps bridge cultural gaps 

If you are willing to participate, you must have a student who attends our school. Speak to the principal , or a member of the community council about the process to get involved. 

Internet Safety and Citizenship

The Community Council works with the school district to help improve the internet safety of all the students. 

Resources for families: