

Questions? CONTACT:  Rm.165 

Communication Systems 

Manufacturing Systems 

Prototype Design and Testing

Structural Systems 

Engineering class is all about creative problem solving! 

We apply Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (S.T.E.A.M) principles to the hands-on lessons in our project based classroom. 

Our projects are planned to fit the Mass DESE Technology & Engineering Frameworks and introduce students to a wide range of systems & concepts. 

We use design-based learning skills that reflect our understanding of the engineering design cycle. Students explore and share understanding of essential ideas and fundamental technologies that shape the world around us. 

We continually explore the steps of the Design Cycle: Problem identification, Research, Brainstorming, Planning, Prototyping, Testing, Gathering Data, Communicating our Results and Redesigning.  

Be sure to check out the Grade 6-8 pages for pictures of ongoing projects! 

Welcome to i-Lab!

This year, students in 6th and 7th Grade will have access to Enrichment opportunities with Engineering i-Lab. Students will be will introduced to a variety of digital and hands-on concepts through small group blocks that begin in October and carry through the school year.

  General Information