Dr. Elias


Digital Literacy & Computer Science 


Welcome to our classroom! My name is Simone, and I'll be your Technology teacher this year. This year, we'll explore exciting subjects, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and work together to achieve your academic and personal goals. I believe that learning is a collaborative process, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Questions? Please reach out to me using the contact button below!

Class Overview

Kindergarten to Grade 2

"Students in this grade span develop concepts through exploration, discovery, and creativity with the guidance, support, and encouragement of their educator.They design, build, and test inventions and solutions through exploration and play. The standards are designed with a focus on active learning, creativity, and exploration. Standards for the earliest grade span allow teacher flexibility in deciding when students are ready to use technology. Basic technology skills may be learned through the use of manipulatives, pencil-and-paper, and other manual methods through which children acquire basic skills. Many skills introduced in this grade span will be further developed in later grade spans."(Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science Curriculum Framework)

Grades 3 to 5

"With increased maturity, students in third through fifth grade are able to engage in learning in ways that are both more systematic and creative. Upper elementary is a critical time to engage students in the Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) practices. Students’ capabilities as creators and problem solvers build on their experiences in K–2. They continue to develop concepts through exploration, discovery, and creativity with the guidance, support, and encouragement of their educator. Standards for this grade span allow teacher flexibility in deciding when students are ready to use technology." (Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science Curriculum Framework)

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